Grammarly Report 2024: 4 critical takeaways every business leader needs to know

Communication is at the heart of every business. No questions there. 

But Grammarly’s 2024 State of Business Communication report reveals that it’s also at the root of some of the most pressing challenges faced by organisations today. 

As workplace communication skyrockets, both in frequency and across channels, businesses are witnessing a massive and costly gap.

With communication overload now consuming 88% of the average knowledge worker’s week, businesses are grappling with a growing issue: Communication is becoming synonymous with work, but not necessarily effective work.

Here are the key takeaways from the report that every business leader needs to know.

1. Miscommunication costs businesses AUD $1.9 trillion annually

In a year where businesses are tightening budgets and focusing on efficiency, poor communication is draining resources at an alarming rate. 

From project delays to lost deals, businesses are haemorrhaging money due to miscommunication. 

Over half of business leaders admit to losing deals due to poor communication, while those who’ve mastered it are winning twice as many deals (43%).

REALITY CHECK: As a leader, you need to recognise that communication isn’t just a soft skill. It directly impacts the bottom line. And investing in training and tools that promote clearer, more effective communication has never been more important or urgent.

2. Information overload is real — and it’s hurting productivity

Workplace communication is overwhelming employees. 

The report shows knowledge workers spend nearly 19 hours each week on written communication alone, from emails to Slack messages. 

This overload is causing stress and lowering productivity – with workers spending more time deciphering messages or anxiously rewriting them to ensure clarity.

REALITY CHECK: You need to streamline communication by reducing redundant channels, introducing clearer guidelines – and equipping teams with the right tools that simplify, rather than complicate, communication.

3. Generative AI is a game-changer – but only for those ready to embrace it

The report highlights a major gap in AI fluency. 

While 89% of business leaders are using generative AI (gen AI) to enhance their communication, only 53% of knowledge workers are doing the same. 

Gen AI offers an incredible opportunity to reduce communication time, improve message clarity, and even reduce work stress.  

REALITY CHECK: Businesses should prioritise AI literacy programs that empower all employees, not just leadership, to use these tools effectively. As a leader, you need to work towards closing the proficiency gap to realise its potential.

4. It’s time to focus on quality, not quantity

The overwhelming amount of workplace communication has led many businesses to focus on producing more messages faster.

But this is counterproductive. 

As the report outlines, effective communication is not about saying more – it’s about saying it better. And unsurprisingly, quality communication leads to stronger relationships, higher employee satisfaction and boosted customer trust.

REALITY CHECK: Leaders must implement enterprise-wide strategies that ensure communication quality is maintained across all levels of the organisation.

The data is clear: businesses that fail to address the communication gap are putting their success at risk. The future of work demands smarter, not more, communication. And the organisations that rise to this challenge will be the ones that thrive in 2024 and beyond.